Southwest 09- Perio Protect - The value of prevention

  • Friday, April 19, 2024
  • 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
  • Virtual via Zoom


  • Active dues paid ADHA member
  • those who are not currently dues paying members of ADHA
  • Active dues paid SWVA component members and Dental Hygiene students

Southwest Virginia Component invites you to the following event.

Continuing Education 

Course Topic:  Perio protect - The value of prevention One hour CE credit

Date & Time:  Friday, April 19th 9:00am

Location:  Via Zoom meeting

Course Objectives:
Identify the benefits of using oxygenating antimicrobials
Discuss mindset shifts about antibiotics
Recognize patient candidates for oxygenating therapy
Use a simple number to understand the importance of treatment

Speaker Bio:  Meghan Radcliff has been a registered dental hygienist for ten years; eight of which were clinical treating hundreds of patients with the help of Perio Tray therapy and nearly three years as an account specialist and team trainer with Perio Protect. She is most passionate about empowering hygienists to think outside the box by using and understanding the need for adjunctive therapies in and out of the hygiene operatory.

Cost: SWVDHA component members and students -  Free 

            ADHA members $5 

                        Nonmembers $10

                        NO REFUNDS!

Click here to register

Deadline for registration Noon, April 18, 2024

The Virginia Dental Hygienists' Association  is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization located at 140B Purcellville Gateway Drive, Suite 120, Purcellville, VA 20132. 540-495-0950. Contact VDHA

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